'MacroName:AC '-------------- function replace(strString as string, strOld as string, strNew as string) as string dim pos as integer pos = instr(strString, strOld) do while pos > 0 strString = left(strString, pos - 1) & strNew & mid(strString, pos + len(strOld)) pos = instr(strString, strOld) loop replace = strString end function '--------------- Sub Main Dim CS As Object Set CS = CreateObject("Connex.Client") dim LCSH(9) r% = 50 do CS.GetFieldLine r%, SH$ if left(SH$, 1) = "6" then tag$ = left(SH$, 3) indicator$ = mid(SH$, 5, 1) if instr("600,610,611,630,650,651", tag$) and indicator$ = "1" then SH$ = replace(SH$, "Fiction.", "Juvenile fiction.") SH$ = tag$ & " 0" & mid(SH$, 6) i% = i% + 1 LCSH(i%) = SH$ end if end if r% = r% - 1 loop until r% < 1 for x% = 1 to i% CS.SetFieldLine 99, LCSH(x%) next End Sub