
From CCS Cataloging Manual
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General instructions

Multiple edition statements
If there are multiple edition statements, record all in the same 250 field. (In OCLC, record them in separate 250 fields.)
Cataloger-supplied edition statements
Follow RDA to supply an edition statement if considered important for identification or access (e.g. to distinguish explicit and edited versions of a CD).

Sound recordings

Explicit vs. "clean" lyrics

Unless the publisher has indicated explicit content, do not supply an Explicit version edition statement. If there is an edited or "clean" version, supply [Edited version] as an edition statement.


Library and retail editions of audiobooks can be attached to the same record in the CCS database. Qualify library editions or retail editions in the 020 field, not in 250.

020  9781423336266‡q(library ed.)

Record a statement such as "Abridged" or "Unabridged" as an edition statement.

250  Abridged.
250  Unabridged.
Multiple edition statements
If the item carries a formal edition statement such as "2nd edition" or "Revised edition" add those after "Abridged" or "Unabridged" in the 250 field. Abridgment information is often more important to patrons than other edition statements.
250  Unabridged, Revised edition.

Video recordings

Rental versions
Do not record "Rental" or "Rental only" as an edition statement; instead, record it as a quoted note and supply an edition statement indicating the actual difference between it and a non-rental version. If the rental ISBN or label number is different from the non-rental, also qualify the ISBN or label number with "(Rental)".
250  [Without special features].
500  "Rental"--Container.