Local holdings field
Use OCLC's Local holdings field (MARC 049) to indicate that your library is responsible for cataloging or editing the record. Use your library's OCLC holding code. (This is your library's OCLC symbol with a letter on the end, usually "A". For example, FM0A
, GO4A
If you fully catalog a preliminary data record, change the 049 field from JEDA
or another library's holding code to your library's code.
If you make a major change to a fully cataloged record, add an additional ‡a in the existing 049 field with your OCLC holding code. Do not create an additional 049.
049 GO6A‡aIHYA‡aGO4A
049 in preliminary data records
PDRs imported from Connexion contain the importing library's OCLC holding code in the 049 field, while hand-keyed or other PDRs usually contain CCS's code. So while this field can be an indicator whether a record is still preliminary or has been cataloged, it cannot be used alone to make that determination.