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Latest revision as of 15:31, 15 June 2017


The CCS Cataloging Technical Group shall perform the following functions:

A. Interpret national bibliographic standards, resolve specific problems related to cataloging and data entry procedures, and monitor the quality of the CCS database.
B. Make recommendations to the CCS Executive Committee regarding data entry policies and procedures, and suggestions for its automation vendor regarding possible future computer applications and improvements of cataloging functions.
C. Provide CCS member libraries with assistance in implementing national bibliographic standards and data entry procedures.
D. Provide continuing education for its members.
E. Communicate with other automated libraries, cooperatives and users' groups.
F. Promote and maintain CCS' NACO (Name Authority COoperative Program) and CONSER (Cooperative ONline SERials Program) participation; foster continuing education of its contributing members and retain NACO-qualified and CONSER-qualified staff.


A. The Administrator from each CCS member library shall appoint one (1) representative to the Technical Group who shall be the library's principal cataloger, knowledgeable of current national cataloging standards and current technological applications to libraries.
B. Non-CCS libraries may attend meetings as non-voting attendees.
C. The CCS Database Manager is the official CCS liaison to the Cataloging Technical Group and attends its meetings.
D. The CCS staff in attendance are ex officio non-voting members of the Technical Group.


A. A minimum of six (6) meetings per year shall be scheduled, normally during the months of February, April, June, August, October and December.
B. A quorum shall consist of at least two-thirds (2/3) of the voting members of the Technical Group. Attendance by a representative from each CCS library is encouraged.
C. Additional meetings may be called at the discretion of the Chair.
D. The Technical Group endorses continuing education workshops to be attended by cataloging and data entry personnel from each library.


A. Each library shall have one (1) vote.
B. Questions shall be decided upon by a simple majority of the members present.
C. If necessary, a roll call vote may be taken. In the case of a tie vote the Chair decides the question.
D. No member or officer shall have veto power.


A. There shall be three (3) officers elected from the membership: Chair, Vice-Chair/Chair-elect and Secretary. To be eligible, the office holder should have had experience on the SCRAP committee.
B. The Chair shall preside at the meetings, prepare agendas, serve as official liaison to the CCS Governing Board and Executive Committee and to the CCS Database Manager, appoint committees, serve on committees and respond to questions from and concerns of the members. If the Chair is unable to meet any of these obligations, he/she must notify the Vice-chair/Chair-elect. During the year following the term as Chair, the Chair serves as Past Chair and serves as an advisor to the officers.
C. The Vice-chair/Chair-elect shall act in the absence of the Chair, attend meetings of the CCS Governing Board and Executive Committee, serve as the chair of SCRAP, serve on committees, and submit items for agendas to the Chair.
D. The Secretary shall take minutes at the meetings and forward them to the Chair and Database Manager for approval. In the absence of the Secretary, a member of the SCRAP committee, if possible, shall take minutes.


A. The term of each office shall be one year, beginning July 1st and expiring the following June 30th.
B. The Vice-chair/Chair-elect shall serve one year as Vice-chair, a second year as Chair and a third year as Past Chair.


A. A committee, known as SCRAP (Standard Cataloging Rules and Practices),
i. shall meet regularly to discuss matters of cataloging policy and forward recommendations to the entire Technical Group, and
ii. create and update a manual of CCS cataloging policies and practices.
iii. The Chair, Vice-chair/Chair-Elect, Past Chair, and Secretary shall be members of the SCRAP committee during their tenure.
iv. The committee shall also be comprised of five other members, each with a two-year term, which shall be rotated from CCS members so as not to unfairly exclude any library from its share of willing participation in the committee.
B. Other committees may be formed, as a need arises, through appointment by the SCRAP committee or the Chair.


A. An election for the offices of Vice-chair/Chair-elect and Secretary shall be held annually at the regular June meeting.
B. A Nominating Committee appointed by the Chair shall prepare a slate prior to the June meeting to be distributed with the agenda. Nominations may also be taken from the floor.


A. Should the office of Chair be vacated within the first six months of the term, the Vice-chair/Chair-elect shall become the Chair for the remainder of the term. In this case, the office of Vice-chair/Chair-elect becomes vacant and shall be filled by election.
B. Should the office of Chair be vacated in the second six months of the term, the Vice-chair/Chair-elect shall become Chair pro tempore/Chair-elect for the remainder of the term.
C. Should both the offices of Vice-chair/Chair-elect and Chair become vacant, the Technical Group shall elect new officers for the remainder of any unfilled, unexpired terms. The Past Chair shall act in an advisory capacity to assist when necessary for the remainder of the term.
D. Should the office of Secretary be vacated, the Chair shall appoint a new Secretary for the remainder of the term.


A. The Chair shall prepare an agenda at least ten (10) days prior to each meeting.
B. The Secretary shall prepare the minutes of each meeting for distribution at least ten (10) days prior to the next regular meeting. The Secretary shall submit the minutes to the Chair and Database Manager for approval prior to distribution.
C. Minutes and agenda will be distributed to the Technical Group representative of each CCS member library and posted on the CCS web site.


A. These By-laws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Technical Group with the approval of the CCS Executive Committee.
B. Proposed amendments must be submitted in writing to the Chair and distributed with the agenda prior to each meeting.

Revision history

This document was revised on Monday, August 07, 2000.

Approved at 7/26/00 Governing Board Meeting

This document was revised on Wednesday, June 6, 2007.

This document was revised on Wednesday, December 3, 2008.

Approved at 12/3/08 Governing Board meeting

Official PDF copy