Cooperative Computer Services
Providing effective, high-quality and future-focused library technology to member branches to promote resource sharing, facilitate knowledge sharing, and improve the patron experience.
System is up
Join the Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 848 9687 7833
Passcode: 364251
Call in number: 312-626-6799
Join us for a live Zoom webinar to learn about the new functionalities in the Leap 7.7 upgrade. This webinar will provide information about:
The session will be recorded for those who are unable to attend live.
To submit public comment, either join the meeting using the link below, or send an email with your comments to Executive Director Rebecca Malinowski at rmalinowski@ccslib.org at any time before or during the meeting. All comments will be read aloud during the meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 872 7094 1082
Dial by your location
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Meeting URL: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81635797911?pwd=NDBCbDFSZ2N1Uk96eTVFS2FueHZjUT09
Meeting ID: 816 3579 7911
Passcode: 025523
Call In Number: 312 626 6799
Submit agenda topics here: https://forms.office.com/r/8rHdisfuRd
CCS is evaluating discovery layers for our online catalog, and Aspen is one of the options. This vendor demo will showcase Aspen's front-end user experience. Library staff are invited to attend and provide feedback to help inform our decision!
CCS is evaluating discovery layers for our online catalog, and Bibliocore is one of the options. This vendor demo will showcase Bibliocore's front-end user experience. Library staff are invited to attend and provide feedback to help inform our decision!
CCS is evaluating discovery layers for our online catalog, and Vega Discover is one of the options. This vendor demo will showcase Vega Discover's front-end user experience. Library staff are invited to attend and provide feedback to help inform our decision!
Questions and answers on PowerPAC eCommerce integration and ePay Illinois. Submit additional questions to help@ccslib.org.
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